Sunday, August 26, 2018

2D Week 001 Art of Syd Mead

For the first 2D Assignment, I have to pick a piece of Syd Mead, choose an object in the piece, and recreate it by breaking it down into shapes, and rendering it with lighting.

I decided to draw the man in the middle of this composition from MELT by Syd Mead.

Syd Mead - MELT

I first broke down the humanoid into basic shapes with rectangles, circles, and ovals.

Here is a more cleaned up sketch with the simplified shapes and laid down a mid tone flat color.
 I then had to choose a light direction to begin rendering this drawing. I decided to do two light sources, in order to see the form more clearly. I first started to add the highlights, and used that information to figure out where the darkest parts of the form would be.

Here is the final product!

Although it wasn't required, I was having fun and decided to render the body out more. I realized it is a lot easier to render the human muscles when seeing then as basic shapes. I used a similar lighting system, though it came out a lot more darker than I expected.

To be honest, I'm really quite proud of myself for this render. I've always been more of a line artist and disliked coloring and rendering. However, when breaking the form into simple shapes, rendering came A LOT easier. This is definitely a technique I will use more often!

Saturday, August 25, 2018

3D Week 001 Assignment (UE4 Box Level)

For the first 3D Assignment, we first build a simple beveled cube in Maya and import it into Unreal Engine 4. This assignment was a great introduction to Unreal, learning the importance of scaling, creating materials and instances, as well as basic lighting. The Assignment was to build anything we wanted using only cubes.

 Here is the mannequin model taken from UE4 for scaling purposes.

Here is the beveled cube that I created in Maya, that will act as the building blocks in UE4.

I was inspired by the Mayan temples and wanted to recreate a similar temple with greenery. However, since the land and the stones will be rough, I plan on putting a water element to play with a more metallic and smooth material. 

Here is my initial sculpt with the boxes in Unreal Engine 4.

I created a Basic Cube Material with Metallic, Roughness, Specular, Color, Emissive as well as Fresnel nodes.

Here is a gallery of my material instances I made based off of the Basic Cube Material. 

I adjusted the lighting to show that the sun is setting as well as adding a slight pink hue.

I've never touched UnReal Engine 4, and this project has absolutely made me way more comfortable with the program.

Also, here is a bonus fish for fun: